Too many people become completely stressed out when they first start actively thinking about managing their careers. Why? Because they think of what could have been or what they should have done better. They start second guessing the decisions they have made, thinking that outcomes would have been better had they made a different decision at a certain critical point in time.
This is a complete waste of time and energy. You should be making the effort to make the best possible decision at any one time based on what you know, what resources you have, what priorities you have at the time and the options available to you. Just because those things change over time or the consequences are not exactly how you imagined, doesn't mean that you should have done something different. Besides, opportunities to change your mind or reverse your decision are usually available later anyway.
So, don't live with regrets and don't constantly look back thinking that you've made bad decisions.
HOWEVER, if you are in the habit of making bad decisions and you are therefore dogged by the bad consequences, start looking at how you make decisions in the first place. Are you doing enough research? Do you have good counsel? Do you have your priorities straight? Do you need help? Don't be afraid to ask for help. You would be surprised at how much help is just there for the asking (and free)!
Whatever you do, don't live your life with regrets. That will hold you back and will not make potential employers feel positive about you.