"For the first time in history, more and more people are going to outlive their employing organizations. And this means something totally new and unprecedented... workers now have to take responsibility for managing themselves." - Peter Drucker (The Effective Executive, HarperCollins, 1966, 2002).
What does that mean for the average person who has a decent education, is a hard worker and wants to have a fulfilling career? It means that everyone has to seriously think about a career as an aspect of life that requires active monitoring, assessing and adjusting. Or more actively... strategic analysis, planning and doing.
It is important to annually consider where you are (HERE) and where you want to be (THERE). If you are not where you want to be (i.e. not on track), then determine what the gaps are and whether it means you need to move up, sideways or out (another alternative is to readjust your point of view if your situation does not allow movement for the moment). You want to always be on track. You want to always be on your way to THERE.
QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR: Has your THERE changed, but your track stayed unchanged? Has your HERE changed without you noticing? Have the requirements for someone to succeed THERE changed? Have you been unhappy at your job for the past year?