Sunday, May 21, 2006

7: The Gentle Ask

The main challenge facing people starting their networking activity is how to start.

One mistake many people make is to not ask for help because they do not want to be a 'bother' or are afraid that the other person will say no. In particular, in the Chinese culture, putting someone in the position of having to say no is a face-losing situation for all. However, in North America, if someone can help you, they might and if they can't, they will just say no!

The other extreme is asking for something to which the person is compelled to say no. Common reasons: they do not know you well enough, you ask for too much or they are not in a position to agree to your request. Make an effort to ask people for what they are able to give... better yet, set up the situation so that they feel comfortable offering you what they can.

My recommendation is to let them know your HERE to THERE story, then focus on the 'gentle' ask. Get to know the person and what they can readily offer: 15 minutes of their time? Advice based on their experience? Information about their company? A contact closer to THERE? An introduction? A job? If this person cannot offer you a job, don't ask for one. Ask for advice, ask if there is someone who might have a job, or ask them how they succeeded. People are generally more than willing to help, but do not like being asked for things that they aren't ready to give (because they don't know you yet) or for things they will never be able to give (because it is outside of their jurisdiction).

Make the ask a gentle one and let them know that it's perfectly okay with you if they say no.